Use Your Words Wisely

the best way to alter any unwanted negative thoughts you have. Tony Robbins calls them incantations. Napoleon Hill called them auto suggestions. Basically, they are just straightforward firm declarations about the ideal situation you want. The central goal is to think and say mostly positive thoughts to yourself. When said daily, positive affirmations will inspire, motivate, energize, and most importantly, encourage you to take action. Just like I mentioned with visualization, you are already using affirmations whether you notice it or not. Every day, all day your mind is constantly running. The worst part is that more than likely it is running on autopilot. Meaning you give no direction to your mind and the thoughts it thinks. It just goes on and on like a runaway train veering in many different directions at any given moment. To have a fulfilling life, you must stop that train NOW right in its tracks and tell it where to go. It is time for you to begin to take a more cautious look at your thoughts. If you are feeling angry, for example, then more than likely you have been thinking irritating thoughts that correlate with your angry mood. The Benefits Among other things, your health, finances, emotions, and relationships are affected by the words you speak. Needless to say, affirmations are essential to transform your life. Saying positive affirmations daily brings with it a trail of many positive benefits. For one, negative thoughts are bound to ricochet before they hit your mind. Without negative thoughts weighing you down, you can expect your happiness to increase dramatically. Getting into the habit of saying positive affirmations can really help you become more optimistic, making you more inclined to take on more challenges and projects. Energy is another upside to a daily affirmation practice, which is something we could all use more of. Put It Into Action Humans have about 50,000 thoughts a day. It may seem like too much to be monitoring your thoughts to make sure nothing negative slips through. However there is a way to be instantly alerted if your thoughts are out of balance. That way is through your feelings. They are the best way to keep you aligned with desires, yet it is the most underutilized. Your feelings are directly connected to your thoughts. Notice how you can’t feel happy while having negative thoughts at the same time and vice versa. Make it a habit to pay closer attention to your feelings throughout your day. This will ensure you have a chance to make corrections to your thoughts before they truly get out of balance. It’s much easier to avoid a negative mood than to get out of it. A ready-made list of positive affirmations will make it easy to get back in shape, emotionally speaking, quickly. Make a list of positive affirmations for each area of your life. Chances are you won’t be able to think of anything encouraging to say while you are angry. When you do find yourself in a bad mood, you can easily refer to the affirmations you wrote when you were in a good mood. The best way to create affirmations is to notice your thoughts during the course of a day. On a notepaper or your phone, write down all the negative thoughts you have. At the end of the day, take out your list, and beside each negative statement, write down the opposite. For example, I hear people expressing this statement all the time: “I am tired.” Change it to: “I am full of energy today!” If you wrote down, “I don’t have any money,” then change it to, “God is blessing me abundantly and meeting all my financial needs.” Next, write your new positive affirmations in a special notebook that is easily accessible when you need it. Affirmations can be recited anytime, anywhere. You can say them out loud or in your mind. An important thing to remember is that words on their own are just words. It is the feelings you give to those words that make your affirmations more meaningful. To increase the feeling of your affirmations, you can say them out loud, if appropriate, along with some sort of strong body gesture. This can be hand movements, jumping, or anything that shows emotion. Saying affirmations with strong emotions is 100 times more powerful than just saying an affirmation normally.
Use Your Words Wisely Use Your Words Wisely Reviewed by mohamed on 2:22:00 PM Rating: 5

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